Went to Prince Court Medical Centre to meet Dr Azrif today.
Unexpectectly, he is a nice guy, and give me confidence to undergo my treatments with him.
He anwered all my doubts, like, some ppl says radiation will cause recurrent of cancer in another breast etc.
He also explained to me, about the radiation methods that I have learned online, 3D CRT, IMRT and IGRT.
IMRT - Low dose wave shoot into our body from every angle (front, side
and back), and only high dose focus on the breast. Therefore, lung will
also receive a lot low dose wave.
3D CRT - Low and high dose shoot front ftont and focus on the breast.
Therefore, only the top layer of lung will receive the low dose and high
dose wave.
IGRT - is type of technolgy that is also used in the above 2 methods.
According to him:
- Breast cancer can mainly categorized into 3 groups, i.e. ductal,
lobular and misc. About 75% of breast cancer is ductal cancer, and 20%
for lobular, and 5% for misc. Tubula, Mucinous, Papillar, Medullary are
some of the rare type of breast cancer under misc category.
- My cancer type is rare type, and is not as dangerous as the ductal
cancer, therefore he suggests me to undergo radiotherapy and hormone
therapy only.
- Radiotherapy will last 4 weeks, 3 weeks for entire breast shooting and
last week is boost shooting which focus on the lump area only.
- About 20% of young breast cancer patients that undergo radiotherapy
will still have recurrent of cancer on the same breast, but it reduce to
10% only after boost shooting.
- He suggested 3D CRT for me, which he think this is best for me as it
minimize the low dose wave to other organs in the body, especially the
lung. Which indirectly to minimize the damage to the lung.
- Sample of side effects: Redness, peeling expecially underarm and
breast, skin darker (temporary) and breast becomes firmer (permanent).
- Tamoxifen will cause irregular of menses cycles, or in worst case, will cause menopause.
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