Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Post-Operation Day

0630 First round of blood pressure measure.
0725 Doctor Harjit visiting. She said can discharge today.
0735 Breakfast is served.
0810 Birds flying on the trees for its nectar, from room's window view.
1230 Lunch is served.
1615 Waiting for discharge since 9am. Only leaving hospital now.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Pretty Flowers and Warm Regards

Sow Moy, Yung, Elisa, Alice, May Chai, 

Thanks for visiting, fruits and food. 😍

And this is the pretty flowers from Angeline and Wai Sen. Thank you ~~~

Operation Day

0630 First round to measure blood pressure of the day.
0715 Dr Hatjit, surgeon doctor, visiting.
0805 Dr Azrif, oncology doctor, visiting. He said look at the image from lymphoscintigraphy, lymph node should be safe. And base on tumor size, it should be stage 1.
0815 Going to operation room. At level 2. Dr Harjit wearing pretty cap 😀. Anesthesia doctor also wearing nice cap 😀. Not those standard blue color cap.
1100 Nurse wake me up in the recovering area.
1105 Back to room. Don't see drainage bag under arm, so my lymph nodes should be safe. Luckily!
1210 Still got little dizzy. Can not eat yet.
1330 Start having lunch. Sow Moy and Lay Yung are here.
1500 Still little dizzy, but can not sleep. So wake up and do some work online.

- Doctor Harjit said, using lymphoscintigraphy instead of blue dyed liquid solution for the sentinel node detection.
Took out sentinel lymph node for lab test, removed tumor and intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT).
- Overall, didn't see any drainage bag near underarm, so assuming lymph nodes are safe. Hence, not expect for further external radiotherapy and also chemotherapy. But tamoxifen for few years for sure.

Monday, 23 November 2020

Pre-Operation Day

0845 Admitted to Prince Court Medical centre.
0910 At ward. 5G-08
Can see lot of birds sipping nectar on these trees.
1145 Went for CT scan.
1210 Done CT scan and back to ward.
1225 Lunch is served.
1430 Time for lymphoscintigraphy. A new method to locate and mark sentinel lymph node. Took more than 30min waiting for doctor. The process can be done within 20 min.
1730 Anesthesia doctor came to get my signature.
1830 Dinner is served.
- Single roam charge is RM280 per night, but only RM180 for corporate rate.
- Only 1 visitor per patient during visiting hours 6-8.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Breast Cancer on Left: Procedures and Treatments

About the Tumor

Tumor size 1.0-1.4cm.

Strong ER+ and PR+. HER2-.

Not consider recurrence, as this is on opposite side and it is 10 years later.


- Admit hospital for CT scan on Monday and lymphoscintigraphy for sentinel node biopsy.

- Operations on Tuesday: left breast Wide Local Exam, Sentinel Node Biopsy + Axillary clearance, and Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT) on Tuesday.


- Radiotherapy will be done during operation.

- Most likely Tamoxifen is not avoidable.

- Wait for lab test on lymph node to decide if chemotherapy is needed.

second round breast cancer

In short, yes cancer again on opposite breast. Will do COVID test today, prepare for admission on Monday.



Wednesday, 18 November 2020

明天揭晓 biopsy result 活检结果


Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Second Ultrasound To Confirm

Arrived at Prince Court Medical Centre around 815. Was scheduled for scanning by radiologist, Dr Sumitra, on my left beast. This is to confirm if the lump in my left breast need further action or not.

During the ultrasound, doctor advised me for biopsy. I nodded and my tears start rolling down my face. Doctor said she has concern about it. I can clearly see from the ultra sound machine that, the shape of the lump is in irregular shape. Its shape is totally different than what I can see during doctor Harjit's scan. I guess either is better machine can give clearer image or my own test before meeting doctor Harjit has caused some bruise onto my breast and therefore giving false image.

I went up and submit my company's medical card for admission, to get ready for the biopsy. AXA, my company's insurance refused to issue Guarantee Letter for the admission. According to the insurance company, admission for biopsy is only claimable afterwards when confirm operation is involved. End up, I submit my own insurance medical card for admission.

During the wait for insurance's approval outside of doctor's Harjit room, doctor Sumitra came up to meet doctor Harjit. After think twice, I ask doctor Sumitra again, "Doctor, by looking at its image, what's the chance this is not cancerous?". Doctor's replied: "I won't simply suggest biopsy to my patients if it is not something worrying. I only do it when I have concern on it. You have to be prepared for the worst."


Friday, 13 November 2020



注意了一个月,也还是在。就立刻约了 Prince Court Medical Centre 的 Dr Harjit Kaur 检查。

她说,"Should not be something worrying. But I need second opinion on this."

所以,17日,要回去见 radiology doctor, Dr Sumitra,让她检查后,看看是否cancer还是发炎。


我最担心的5年、10年复发,是否真的会发生。😞 今年第9年了,还有两个月就10年了。